Bright Beginnings Nursery
Further Details & Information
Lunch & Snacks
Snacks and lunch (a small fee) are provided for the children. A variety of fresh fruit and milk/water is provided in addition. Food intake is recorded in their daily diaries within our nursery app Blossom. All food on the menu takes into account the Government document 'Setting the Table' to ensure we provide healthy and nutritional meals. Still, we do ask children and carers for suggestions. We ask parents that provide their own lunch for their children to ensure it is nutritious and well-balanced (we do not allow sweets or sugared drinks to be consumed within the Nursery). Ideas and guidance can be found on
Parents as Partners
At Bright Beginnings, we recognise parents as their children's first and most important educators. All staff see themselves as partners with parents in providing care and education for their children. There are many ways in which parents take part in making the setting a welcoming and stimulating place for children and parents, such as:
Exchanging knowledge about their children's interests with the staff;
Sharing skills, interests and talents on Stay and Play dates
Attending Parent/Staff Committee Meetings and having input into the Nursery
Joining in community activities in which the setting takes part; and
Building friendships with other parents in the setting
Illnesses & Medcines
If your child needs to have prescribed medication but is well enough to attend Nursery, parents/carers must sign a medication form giving details of the medicine, dosage, and times to be administered. Your child will also have had their first dose at home.
If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea, they must remain off Nursery for 48hours after the last symptoms.
Children must not attend Nursery if they have a high temperature or cannot take part in all nursery activities.
If your child has asthma, a pump has to be provided for the nursery to keep in a container with the child's name on it.
If your child cannot attend due to illness or other absences, please telephone 01779 473280 and leave a message or send a message through our nursery app Blossom.
Trips, Bumps & Falls
If your child has an accident/incident at nursery a form will be completed through our nursery app Blossom and you will be asked to review and sign electronically. As a parent you will be called immediately if any injury requires hospital treatment, if you cannot be contact then we will go to emergency contacts. If the injury requires emergency treatment we will call emergency services firstly then contact yourself.
Copies of our policies and procedures can be sent electronically if you wish to see them. We have a 'Policy of the Month' displayed on our closed Facebook group, Bright Beginnings Nursery Family and Staff (this is only for families and staff of the Nursery) and in the nursery app Blossom. We ask parents/carers to be familiar with our policies and procedures.
Safeguarding Children
Our setting has a duty under the law to help safeguard children against suspected or actual 'significant harm'.
Our employment practices ensure children against the likelihood of abuse in our setting, and we have a procedure for managing complaints made against a member of staff.
Working with children and their parents ensures we are aware of any problems that may emerge and can offer support, including referral to appropriate agencies when necessary, to help families in difficulty